Monday, December 30, 2019

Outlook to PDF: Saving Multiple Outlook Emails to a Single PDF File

MessageExport is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook that expands Outlook's ability to export email messages to different formats.  A useful feature is the ability to export multiple emails and file attachments into a single PDF file

MessageExport integrates tightly with the Outlook toolbar.  Export operations are done by way of "export profiles" which can be customized to fit specific purposes.  MessageExport ships with many standard export profiles, including three variations that will allow you to export email to a single pdf file.
Screen shot of MessageExport toolbar integrated with Microsoft Outlook.
MessageExport toolbar in Outlook

To select these profiles, click on the drop down list. MessageExport supports three different processes for converting Outlook mail to a single PDF. You can convert the email and attempt to convert document file attachments into the PDF image; you can convert the email and embed file attachment as distinct files within the PDF file; or you can convert the email and save the file attachments to a location on your hard drive.

In our example below, we have selected the profile called "Single PDF - attachments converted/included."

MessagExport saves multiple emails to a single pdf file
Choose Single PDF profile from MessageExport add-in for Outlook
Next, choose the email messages you want to convert to a single PDF file.  Although there is no limit, we recommend no more than 500 emails in a single pdf file. They can become very large very quickly. 

After the emails are selected, click MessageExport's blue Export button to begin the conversion process.

MessageExport will continue until the operation has completed, and all selected emails have been processed into a single pdf file.

For more information about MessageExport, or to download a  15 day free trial visit the MessageExport home page. If you decide not to purchase MessageExport after the trial is finished, leave it installed! It will still allow you to convert single email messages to PDF and other formats, free.  You can purchase MessageExport at a later time if you decide you want to enable to bulk export functions.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Learn How to Use MessageExport for Outlook in One Minute

MessageExport for Microsoft Outlook is an add-in that helps you do more with your email messages. Use MessageExport to export, convert, copy and save Outlook emails to different formats, either manually or automatically.  This very short tutorial will get you up and running with MessageExport in about a minute.


Download a free 15 day trial of MessageExport and follow along!

Friday, December 6, 2019

How to Convert Microsoft Outlook Email to MHTML Files

The MHTML (also called MHT) file extension refers to MIME HTML documents,  a format for archiving web pages saved by some web browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox. 

MHTML files can contain resources like images, flash, java, audio, external links and html code. Unlike HTML files which will reference external file elements, MHT files contain all of elements within a single file.

For archiving, MHT files offers a simple way to ensure ease of access to email content.

There are two easy ways to convert Outlook email to MHT files.  The first is to use Outlook's own capability, which works well for saving single emails to MHT format.  The second is to use MessageExport add-in by Encryptomatic LLC for bulk conversion of multiple Outlook emails to MHT format.

Converting a Single Outlook Email to MHT

Converting individual Outlook emails to MHT format can be done from within Outlook. 
First, select an email you want to convert from Outlook's mail list.

Second, go to File > Save As, and from the dropdown list titled "Save as type," choose "MHT Files."  Click "Save" and your email will be converted to MHT.

How to save Microsoft Outlook email as a MHTML file.
Saving Outlook email as a MHT file

Converting Multiple Outlook Email to MHT

MessageExport add-in installs additional export features to Microsoft Outlook's toolbar. You can learn more about MessageExport and download a free 15 day trial from the product's official website.

MessageExport toolbar in Outlook 2013
To convert multiple emails from Outlook to MHT format, select the emails from the Outlook maillist.  To choose all emails, type Control-A. 

Next, from the MessageExport tab, select the "Export to MHT" profile from the drop down list.

Finally, click "Export" to begin converting selected emails to MHT format.

While Outlook defaults to using the subject as the MHT file name, MessageExport will let you define a custom naming structure to the MHT files. This is easily done by editing the MHT profile in MessageExport, and then selecting the email fields that you want included in the file name.

Set a name scheme for MHT files exported from Outlook

If you have any questions about converting Outlook email to MHT, please post them in the comments below, or call Encryptomatic Support, +1-701-566-6731 x2. 

For a tool that works outside of Outlook and can convert different email formats to MHT, see PstViewer Pro